CPAs, unlike providers of personal financial services, who are required by law to inform their clients of their policies regarding privacy of client information, have been and continue to be bound by professional standards of confidentiality that are even more stringent than those required by law. At Smoker, Smith & Associates, we have always protected our client’s right to privacy and will continue to use our best efforts to do so in the future. We have adopted a privacy notice similar to that as required by financial services to inform you of our practices with regard to your personal financial information.

Types of Nonpublic Personal Information We Collect

We collect non-public personal information about you that is directly provided to us by you or obtained by us only following your direct written authorization. No other or additional non-public personal information will be collected by Smoker, Smith & Associates absent your written direction or approval.

Parties to Whom we Disclose Information.

For a current and former client we do not disclose non-public personal information obtained in the course of our services for you except as may be required and permitted by law without your written direction. Thus, we may disclose confidential information made in response to a valid Order of Court or authorized agency of the government and always work to establish a legal means to limit such disclosure to only that segment of personal financial information which must be legally required to be disclosed.

We also may disclose information to our employees and in very limited situations and to unrelated third parties who need to know the information for the purpose of assisting us in providing professional services to you. To the extent reasonably possible, we will notify you in advance and disclose to you any non-public personal information provided to any third parties for such purposes. In all such situations, and at all times, we stress the confidential nature of the information being shared to both employees and third parties.

All disclosure of information to persons other than employees or consultants to Smoker, Smith & Associates is performed by the method of transmission as requested by the client. If facsimile is requested, such is sent only after the fax number is verified to be correct and the fax machine is in secure information with appropriate disclosures regarding IRS Circular 230. If transmission is by mail, normally certified mail or nationally recognized delivery service will be utilized requiring a signature from the receiving party. If information is desired to be transmitted electronically, various and appropriate security devices and practice to prevent improper obtainment or interception of information.

Protecting the Confidentiality and Security of Current and Former Clients’ Information

We retain records relating to professional services that we provide so that we are better able to assist you with your professional needs and, in some cases, to comply with professional guidelines. Such records are retained, however, for so long as necessary to fulfill the stated purposes of our engagement and thereafter either destroyed or returned to the client as directed. In order to guard your nonpublic personal information, we maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with our professional standards.


Smoker, Smith & Associates retains the right and obligation to update this privacy policy at any time without advance notice. If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, our professional ethics and/or the ability to provide you with quality financial services, please contact us immediately. 

2024 Standard Mileage Rates

Purpose Rates per Mile
   Business 67 cents
   Medical/Moving 21 cents
   Charitable 14 cents


2023 Standard Mileage Rates

Purpose Rates per Mile
   Business 65.5 cents
   Medical/Moving 22 cents
   Charitable 14 cents


Check It Out!

Check out the article in PICPA CPA Now by Greg Kashella, published November 2021, Enhanced Financial Statement Disclosures for Small Businesses. 

Check out the article in the Central Penn Business Journal, Women Who Lead, March 2019 article featuring our partner Jori Culp

Tax-Related Identity Theft

The IRS combats tax-related identity theft with aggressive strategies of prevention, detection and victim assistance. To find out more about tax-related identity theft call our office or visit for information and guidance.

Remember that the IRS will never contact you by electronic means. This includes emails, phone calls, text messages, or social media channels. If you are ever in doubt whether contact by someone claiming to be from the IRS is legitimate, call our office first for verification.



Savings bonds are purchased by many Americans, often as a way to help fund college or show their patriotism. Series EE bonds, which replaced Series E bonds, were first issued in 1980. From 2001 to 2011, they were designated as “Patriot Bonds” as a way for Americans “to express support for our nation’s anti-terrorism efforts,” according to the U.S. Treasury Department.

Perhaps you purchased some Series EE bonds many years ago and put them in a file cabinet or safe deposit box. Or maybe you bought them electronically and don’t think about them often. You may wonder: How is the interest you earn on EE bonds taxed? And if they reach final maturity, what steps do you need to take to ensure there’s no loss of interest or unanticipated tax consequences?

How interest accrues

Series EE bonds don’t pay interest currently. Instead, the accrued interest is reflected in the redemption value of the bond. The U.S. Treasury issues tables showing the redemption values.

The interest on EE bonds isn’t taxed as it accrues unless the owner elects to have it taxed annually. If an election is made, all previously accrued but untaxed interest is also reported in the election year. In most cases, this election isn’t made, so bond holders receive the benefits of tax deferral.

If the election to report the interest annually is made, it will apply to all bonds and for all future years. That is, the election cannot be made on a bond-by-bond or year-by-year basis. However, there’s a procedure under which the election can be canceled.

If the election isn’t made, all the accrued interest is finally taxed when the bond is redeemed or otherwise disposed of (unless it was exchanged for a Series HH bond).

Note: Interest on EE bonds isn’t subject to state income tax. And using the money for higher education may keep you from paying federal income tax on the interest.

Reaching final maturity

One of the main reasons for buying EE bonds is the fact that interest can build up without having to currently report or pay tax on it. Unfortunately, the law doesn’t allow for this tax-free buildup to continue indefinitely. When the bonds reach final maturity, they stop earning interest.

Series EE bonds issued in January 1994 reached final maturity after 30 years, in January 2024. That means that not only have they stopped earning interest, but all the accrued and as yet untaxed interest is taxable in 2024.

If you own EE bonds (paper or electronic), check the issue dates on your bonds. If they’re no longer earning interest, you probably want to redeem them and put the money into something more profitable. One option is Series I bonds, which feature an interest rate based on inflation. Contact us if you have any questions about savings bond taxation.

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134 Sipe Avenue Hummelstown, PA 17036